Change in 2018. 🏢

I’ve been in the elevator trade for 20 years as of January 1, 2018, and a journeyman elevator mechanic for the last 16 of those years. I’ve always had mixed feelings about my job, but nevertheless, I’ve excelled at it and done quite well.


There’s an opportunity for me to go into a different department at work, allowing me to work 20 minutes from home and really change up what I’ve been doing with my career for the last ten years. I didn’t really want to change things up just yet, but if I don’t act now, it might be a while before the opportunity comes around again, if ever.

I’ve already had an interview with the manager of this department I might be transferring into and it seems highly likely that this might actually happen. I’m ready for the change. I’m more than happy to keep doing what I’m doing at work, but I’ve been getting more and more burned out with it as time goes by.

Change is good, and I’m ready for it. I’ve got at least another 20 to 25 years left before I retire and capping off my 20 year anniversary in the elevator trade with this change is welcome.

Update: 01.25.18: I got the position. I’ll now be an elevator service mechanic with a route in the Riverside area, which is about 20 minutes from home. The change happens February 13, and I’m really happy about it!