My First Weekday Beer...

...since October 1, 2017, that is. Today isn’t really a significant day for me. I’m not marking a special occasion or anniversary. I just want to enjoy a rich, dark ale.

When I started running in October of 2017, I couldn’t run a quarter of a mile without taking a break. Now, I’m up to at least three miles per day. I’m still on my weight loss regiment, part of which consists of not drinking beer on weekdays, and since the beginning of October, I’ve only missed a handful of cardiovascular excercise days. I’m confident that I’ll hit 199 pounds by the end of this week, and I’m feeling great about my progress.

But right now, I’m not celebrating that. I just want a rich, dark ale, and this Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron brown ale is hitting the spot, and it’s goddamn delicious.
